Take a Seat
Make us laugh and you just might score an SVTP sticker
By Steve Turner
Hopefully you checked out our coverage of the TMI Products seat upgrade in Project Vapor Trail that we posted yesterday. If not, click over to it right now! You can come back to this fun later. You are back? OK. Now, let’s get to it.
Well, when you remove the seats from your Mustang, you might need to put it back in the garage. Yours truly enlisted a step stool as an impromptu chair to pull PVT back into the sequestered safety of the garage and its car cover. Unfortunately, Mrs. Editor Turner snapped a shot of me looking like a kid in a go-cart after I pulled into the garage.
Now, I know I am opening myself up to some ponytail jokes, but if you can’t have fun at your own expense, then you take yourself too seriously. So, be sure you are a registered SVTP member and post your funny caption in the comments below by midnight on Tuesday June 3. We’ll pick our favorite funny and let the winner know a week from today. The winner will join the cool kids’ club by winning an SVTPerformance.com sticker for his or her ride.
Happy captioning!

Seats? We don’t need no stinking seats!
the no front seat kit only 199.99
Uh, well I was just returning your car ??
I found it like this and the Black and Carbon interior in my car was purchased.
Honestly I can make. Uh Uh …. I mean produce the receipts !
Time to go get me some Rock Shrimps!! 🙂
I’ll take out my seats, sit on a milk crate, and still out drive you in your corvette!
man i cant wait to by flying down the road, window down, and my long golden pony tail flapping in the wind and beating my passenger in the face
You guys are off to a good start!
Still better looking than a camaro
” Hey what can I say … all of these hair products are expensive … and we BOTH know I’m not going to sell anything off this car that adds any horsepower….. sorry seats.”
Waylon: That Mane & Tail conditioner does wonders protecting the TMI Sport XRs from the Florida sun!
If Mustang guys are cutting weight like this what are the Dodge guys going to have to do?
Alternate: Something tells me this front seat delete kit isn’t going to sell that well.
Front seat delete #FTW
LOLOL , Awesome!
2015 Mustang Now equipment with Air ride cabin.
“Dude, where’s my seat?”
First I was like where they hell is the seat and then I had to zoom in to see if it’s a guy or girl. Sorry bro but I think u need to cut that thing off. U could donate it to a good cause.
Seats? Where we’re going, we don’t need seats….
Alternate: Had to get rid of the seats to make up for the weight of my ponytail.
Milk Crate Status!
Because Racecar
you know you have a problem when you start selling off your interior for go fast parts
‘watch out beefcake!!’ – i’m calling you out!
Wow. I guess I should make fun of myself more often! Keep those captions rolling in. It’s going to be tough to pick a favorite.
Also DON’T FORGET to share our Share our Seats post over on Facebook for a shot at a $100 TMI Products gift certificate! You have until Tuesday.
Test fitting PVT for Shaq
Guys at Tech will never notice.
The “modified” driver Mod..
Prototype seats. Thought they’d have a little more support.
“This is not what I meant when I said ‘take a seat…’
Rear seat deletes just weren’t enough!
This was a tough call, but Theresa Brown is the big winner with:
“Front seat delete #FTW”
Theresa, just PM your info to SID297 and we will get that SVTPerformance sticker out to you.
Thanks to everyone for playing along.