White Lightning
Mustangs Invade The Smokies.
By SID297
What a way to kick of the show season! After the seemingly unending crappy weather of winter we are greeted by sunshine and pleasant temperatures in Eastern Tennessee’s beautiful Foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains. Sevierville, TN was the chosen location for the first annual Ponies in the Smokies (PITS) show, and that was an excellent choice. Long known as a vacation destination, the Sevierville/Gatlinburg/ Pigeon Forge area is also an automotive gathering Meca; and the host of several major shows each year.

The PITS organizers developed the event around the area’s strong outlaw and bootlegger history. Over the past few years the area has embraced its moonshining legacy and has permitted the construction of several legal moonshine distilleries. Picking up on that theme the PITS crew created the Shine Run, a bootlegger themed poker-run hitting a number of moonshine distilleries. The Shine Run was capped off with the SVTPerformance.com Shine Run Party at Quaker Steak and Lube.

The SVTP Party was a huge success. We were really surprised by the earlier turnout. We arrived just thirty minutes before the party began and were greeted by a small crowd waiting to pick up our SVTP #PITS T-Shirts.  The road weary runners found respite with some cold beer and hot wings from Quaker Steak (the naked strips with hot BBQ sauce were quite tasty).
After leaving the SVTP Shine Run Party we drove over to the Sevierville Convention Center to set up our booth for the #PITS Car Show and Cruise-In the following two days. It was really good catching up with long time friends and meeting some new ones.  I particularly enjoyed watching the 54-Years of Mustang display come together. Except for about four model years, the PITS crew managed to organize a gathering of Mustangs from each and every year of production. And impressive sight indeed for those interested in seeing the evolution of our favorite Pony Car…
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