Frugal Fueling
SVTP shows you how to fill your fuel tank for less than $1 per gallon
By SID297
Who doesn’t love working the system? A few days ago I was doing a little grocery shopping and noticed that the local Kroger was running a particularly interesting special, 4X Fuel Points on Gift Card Purchases.

What’s the big deal you may be wondering? Well when every vehicle you have on the road currently has a power adder you tend to make a lot of stops at the pump. That thought led me to purchasing $1,200 in gift cards along with my avocados and goat’s milk (Don’t knock a goat’s milk White Russian until you try it). Every 1,000 points is worth $1 off of 35 gallons of fuel. Combined with our typically grocery purchases throughout the month we are looking at a potential savings of about $200 off our fuel bill through May.
For the full story, click here to visit the thread on our forum.